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come full circle

When blogger initially launched, they lacked a lot of features which
would become a mainstay of the blogging world later on. These included
trackbacks, and more importantly, comments!

Comments, which make each and every post worth writing.
Comments, which allow interaction on ur blog
Comments, which make you want to open up your mailbox every morning.

After a lot of lobbying by bloggers around the world, the people at
blogger added comments and Blogger finally became worth setting up a
blog on.

Then... the Pakistani government blocked blogger blogs in Pakistan,
thanks to the cartoon controversy. Their mechanism was very simple,
block the IP on which blogspot was hosted, and voilla, all blogs were
inaccessible at one go. Posting on the blogs was okay, since for
posting another domain www.blogger.com was used, which had a different
IP, only reading was a problem. But we were not to be dettered... some
talented people came up with pkblogs.com and we all breathed a sigh of
relief. The blog ban was kind of lifted... atleast with people wise
enough to know pkblogs.com.

But... and theres always a but... things were not going to be that
simple. Blogger decided to upgrade their services, and as with
everything google, they came out with blogger beta! Introducing a lot
of new features which were desperately required by the community in
general... but also introducing a very big problem for us bloggers in
Pakistan who had 'upgraded'! They setup the new domain
beta.blogger.com on the SAME IP as www.blogspot.com was hosted on.

What does that mean for us? Nothing much, except that we now cannot
post blogs (the people who upgraded) nor can people in pakistan post
comments on our blogs. What pleasure it is to upgrade! no?!

I <a href="http://wordofmansoor.blogspot.com/2006/10/coming-soon.html"recently</a>
dabbled on making another blog on blogger using the previous setup, or
maybe move to another platform altogether.. but that was not to be. I
couldnt part with what i've put up here since so long... i wanted to
keep it! Now the only problem was.. how to enable commenting???!!

THAT was resolved a few minutes before posting this entry!! Welcome
haloscan! A service launched quite sometime ago to address no comment
feature on blogger, today came back into use thanks to the major f-ups
bloggers been going through! It allows users to post comments for each
post, which are saved on the haloscan servers, and accessible to
everyone visiting the blog through a popup window. The world comes
full circle yet again!

Comments are back up! and im not going anywhere yet! Long live the
pakistani spirit!!

Oh, and im emailing this post in! Hoping it works

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