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how GPRS saved my ass today

Today, (and tomorrow) i am on a training course by my company. The training material was designed by me, and im attending it as a support to my boss, who will be delivering the course.

This morning, just before the course was about to start, he comes up to me and says...

him: "mansoor, what does IPW mean?"
me: "IPW?"
him: "yes, as in the IPW model you've reffered to everywhere, i couldnt find what it stood for"
me: *almost sweating now* "uum.... i read that up.. but its slipping my mind..... it may have something to do with the names of the companies that developed it"
him: *looking right through me, knowing im lying* "okay.. sure... "

I open the manual, look over at the IPW model, and to my horror realzie that the companies that developed it.. had NOTHING COMMON with the initials IPW,. Their names were Quint,Wellington, Redmon and KPW. Now im in a fix, since the question will definately come up on what does IPW mean, and i'll be crucified for it......

Thinking about what i should do.. i realized that being a techie, my salvation would lie in the net.... and then remembered i've had GPRS (Warid) turned on! I quickly get online, sitting right there in the conference room, loaded wap.google.com and searched for the aforementioned initials.

Luckily (and thanks to googles exhaustive db) i found the term within 5 minutes... complete with its total history, jotted it down on a note, and left it for my boss on the side of the table..

The slide comes up... and so does the question.. my boss says "Mansoor, do you have some idea on what that term stands for?" then to the crowd "Ladies and gentlemen, mansoor has been very much involved in the development of this course, infact, all of the slides have been made by him", without missing a beat, i reply on the question "International Process Workshop" then a little history on it... after which my boss takes over the rest...

During tea break, the boss comes over,
him: "says good work.. you remembered it"
me: "no sir, i didnt"
him: "acha? then how did you know"
me: "the net sir"
him: "oh okay, but when did you go down to the business center?"
me: "i didnt sir"
him: "then how??"
me: "im a techie at heart sir.... GRPS! oh, did i mention i LOVE technology"
him: *smiling* "you and your wacky ways... atleast they work SOMEtime"
me: *very satisfied*

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