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Your bubble is different than mine

One of my favourite blogs is written by Scott Adams, creator of the comic series Dilbert. Most of the time, his post's are very enlighting and contain insights (mixed with a dash of his zany humor). One recent post really got me thinking.. its along the lines of everyone's different, hence they think differently. Scott posted his own theory along these lines based on Einstiens theory of relativity, which i think is a much read. Even though you may not agree with it (because ur bubble is different than mine), to me it makes a lot of sense. [The bubble will make sense after you read the passage below]

Im quoting some passages below, for the complete post visit his blog here.

Einstein’s great insight was assuming reality was not fixed, and
that everything was relative to the observer. If the observer moves at
nearly the speed of light, not only does reality appear different, it
actually IS different. You would literally age at a different rate than
your twin that stayed in place relative to you. We don’t notice the
differences in our tiny, slow-moving life. But it’s there. The universe
simply doesn’t exist as a single objective reality. It’s smeared all
over the place.

I have extended that thinking to people. Let’s imagine for the sake
of my new theory that people are always rational within their own
reality. It only seems as if they are not because we all live in our
own bubble of reality, with our own rules of what makes sense. Within
any given bubble, everything is perfectly rational and logical and all
the dots connect. It’s only when you try to send an argument from one
bubble to another that the logic breaks down

In my theory, it could be completely true for a Muslim that Allah
exists in that individual’s bubble of reality, and completely true for
the infidel skeptic that Allah doesn’t exist in his bubble. This is an
extension of the old argument about whether people perceive the color
red the same. For all practical purposes it doesn’t matter for
questions of color because we’re all happy with our own perceptions and
we can’t see what other people see. But for questions of God, it
matters, because when you describe the reasons for your belief, and
those reasons leave your bubble, they arrive as complete nonsense when
they enter my bubble. And if I feel the need to point that out, you
might feel the need to bore me or kill me.

Now you know what a bubble of thought is.. think about it, and let me know how different (or similar) the views expressed in this post are from your own bubble.

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