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The latest fad in the world... everyone goes on and on about how 'bad' they've got it.

Hindu's shout out...
Christians shout out...
Muslims shout out...

but above all... Jews shout out the loudest. And that too about how their ancestors were killed by the so-called Halocaust, over 50 years ago, while at the same time, performing their own little genocide in palestine and now lebanon!

This rant is based on the news of the Jew community, and Israel shouting out against a restaurant which chose 'Hitlers Cross' as its name.

Here's the hypocrisy.....
"The incident exposes the lack of understanding of the present generation about the atrocities of the past and the need to educate them about crimes against humanity," federation chairman Jonathan Solomon said.
Am i to assume, taking over Arab land forcefully is *not* a crime against humanity? Expelling people from their own homes is *not* a crime against humanity? Bombing the hell out of them is *not* a crime against humanity? Killing innocent civilians just because they happen to be of the same race as their 'enemy' is *not* a crime against humanity?

If the above is true, then the Halocaust was also *not* a crime against humanity! If it isnt.. Israel needs to be tried for crimes against humanity itself!


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