untamed: hell yea :p dont u get halal KFC there? im sure there must be some branch serving halal food?
cocain: very true! many came.. many copied.. but the KFC zinger retained its leadership :D
fq: people must've.. but that still doesnt deter me from consuming it :D lol!! n u know something? it doesnt even suit me!?!!!! i get an upset stomach everytime i have it :p lol :D
Mansoor u will have tummyaches if u don't share zinger with me & Suga get it? Man Zinger is soooooo yum :) I remember eating quite a few times when I was there last time.
sugalips: same goes for u jee. btw.. i get tummyaches after zinger anyhow.. so that threat waasnt even necessary. next time ur here... ill take u out for a zinger :p
Hmm,no tea or coffee? I'm not addicted to them,but trust me you are missing out on so much.I hope you find someone who revers tea,and then maybe you'll understand the quite aroma,the humble warmth..everything that which it is surrounded by!
sugalips: great! one question though :p when *do* u plan to come here next?? (impatient.. arent i) LoL
fq: i should've written i dont drink tea/coffee *anymore*. I was a caffiene fanatic till a year ago... couldnt wake up without it... nor could i go2 sleep without it. Coffee being my favourite, in all its forms :)
so yes.. i do understand it.. and when the time is right.. then a good cup of hot expresso is just about a godsend :D