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The nightmare..

Yesterday nite... i woke up with a start at 3 AM breathin rapidly and sweating hard! I'd just seen a nightmare which could compare with the horror flick 'the ring'!!! Only, it was on my own family... Now i dont normally get nightmares.. infact, the last one i remember was over 15 years ago... but yesterday night, there was something different, it was too real... too vivid! Here's how it went...

For some reason, my brother and mother were fighting on something... and me n my dad enter the room... we all start shouting at each other, and then start throwing stuff! My bro breaks a chair, wields a pointed piece of wood like a stake and advances towards me with a meanacing look in his eyes! The words out of his mouth were 'bhai! u've pushed me one too many times! time for you to take a break'

then the phone rings... and without anyone picking it up... it gets answered, a voice comes over the loudspeaker taunting us... the way it spoke.. it just infuriated us further~! we picked up whatever we could find and just wanted to hurt the person nearest to us! After that, it was all blood and gore... all i can remember is that voice! and the way it laughed!! and i blacked out. When i regained my senses.. im lying in a pool of my own blood. Mom, dad and my brother are lying about in wierd angles.. all of them dead! Its blood everywhere! I've gone deaf.. cant hear a damn thing! i try getting up.. but my leg wont respond... i look down n its not even there! its lying two feet away, detached from my body! And then i hear it.. its the voice again! Its laughing again... i just want to shut it out... drag myself over to the phone..............

but its not connected!! there's no wires going in or out of it...... and it doesnt have a speakerphone! the voice laughs again... "makes you wonder no?.. how can someone call a phone which isnt even connected!"

Thats when i woke up! Literally shiverring with fear! I check my mobile... turn it off, afraid the voice might come out of it... but turn it on again realizing that im finally awake and it was just a bad dream! there's no blood..... and everyone is alive!!

Damn! i hate nightmares!

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