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How much 'Chai Paani' ??

I recently blogged on the phenomena of Chai Paani and the wonderful things it can accomplish here.. today, i'll discuss one factor within the phenomena... rather i will pose a question..

How much 'chai paani' is enough?

What got me thinking on this was when i went to get my car back (yayy!! the awesome feeling of driving again deserves its own entry!) i had to keep up my end of the bargain... But then i started thinking about how much to give? Do i give a little, hence minimizing my investment but risk loosing favor from the guy? Do i give more, effectively reducing my budget for the month, but ensuring that the next time i go there (and believe me i will) i get the same favor? And its not like there's a fixed amount or some sort of guideline posted anywhere. Plus, i cant even ask him cuz well.. its not how its done.

An analogy to this problem is like taking a house-warming gift to someone's place when your visiting them for the first time.. or as the custom is in Pakistan, taking a gift everytime.. What do you get? Mithai? Flowers? Fruit? Sharbat? How much do you take? 1 Kg of Mithai? 2 kg? 5 kg? 1/2 kg??? A small bouquet? A large bouquet? Which flowers?? What kind of fruit? Mango's?? Or a big watermelon (That'll be funny if someone shows up at my door holding a big watermelon LoL). And again, its not like you can call up the people your visiting and ask 'im coming to visit, what should i bring you as a gift?' It just isnt done...

So hopefully now you get my dilemma.. i spent the good part of an hour deciding how much i should give. LoL! Eventually though, the memon side of me woke up and i gave him as low an amount as i could.. Rs. 500. I mean come on !! its not like he could complain. LoL!! Apprently it was enough, since he went off smiling. One dilemma solved.. onto the next one.

Interestingly though, there's this one previous post i made regarding giving mithai as a visiting gift.
As soon as we (me n a colleague of mine from office) reached the
bakery, there was this aunty arguing with the staff.. Thinking it was
just someone who'd been in the heat for quite sometime, and was just
venting out steam, we didnt pay much attention.. till the following
conversation started happening (and that too at high volume)...

Aunty (shouting): are you, or are you NOT going to take this back!
Staff:sorry madam, but you didnt buy it from us.. we cant take it back from you..
and here's the real kicker
dont want it, take it back and give my money back. I've already got a
whole box of (pointing at some sort of sweet on display) this that i
dont want, that someone gifted me! I want to return that too!!

Edit: Changed the topic from "One more on chai paani" to "How much chai paani". The topic wasnt sounding right to me.

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