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Project ICE

I recieved this email from a couple of sources, and well.. it does seem like a good idea to me. All it takes is a little effort and one number space in your phone. But could very well lead to save your life. A summary of the project is, that whenever disaster strikes, accidents and whatnot, usually the one identifying thing for a person is their mobile phone. And instead of rescuers having to search the phonebook and call people to let them know about the accident, we should have one dedicated number under the name of ICE (In Case of Emergency) which you designate as the person to be called. More details below since im reproducing the email here for the benefit of everyone.

And to show i preach what i do, i've already added a number under the name of ICE in my phone, with the number of my father.

Dear All

Due to the recent bombing in London and floods in Mumbai, there has been a tremendous push to launch the International "In Case of Emergency" (ICE) campaign.

As you know, many people were injured in these incidents. Many of those injured were found with their cell phones. First responders (Police or Hospital Staff) used the injured person's cell phone to try and locate a family member that they could notify on the injured persons behalf. However the rescuers found it difficult to locate the appropriate person.

Cell phone users are now being asked by Public Safety Officials at all over the world to store the word "ICE" in their cell phone address book and put their next of kin's phone number in it.  In the event of an emergency, this person would be contacted quickly by police or hospital staff immediately.

Please take a moment to enter the name & number of person that you would like to be contacted in case of an emergency into your cell phone with the word "ICE".

Public Safety officials around the world will know what this means. Forward it to as many persons you can, this is a good idea. Do not forget to do it on your mobile first.

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