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Subconsious Messaging - i-mate JasJar

How many times have you seen an ad or a billboard which made you think almost subconsiously about how cool would that product be on you. Most of the campaigns i see around here try to force theat message on you, like the Samsung radio ads "Check out the cutie shes going out with.... and the ear thing! just check that out!", the Axe Effect and so on. However, every once in a while, you come across an ad thats actually done tastefully and sends out the message both clearly and subtly. The JasJar ad i've managed to capture does just that. If you just look at how the girl is looking at the guy (all googly eyed with a touch of wow) you'll understand why so many guys (present company included) now really need to get a JasJar!

Its these sort of things which win customers! Im pretty sure no one likes products shoved down their throats, but if you can manage convince them they need it just by suggestion then the fruits are all the more sweet. Now when the heck will i get my limit upped on the card so i can go and buy it.


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