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Ad Review: Sunsilk Hair Emergency Campaign

I recently posted on both the teaser and the actual billboard ad that Sunsilk ran in Karachi recently. Today im going to post a little about the TV and Radio ad's they've got going. Actually.. only the radio ad's, since i havent seen the TV ones yet (maybe i'll edit that in later).

The one thing which came to mind when i saw the billboard for the first time was, how wrongly targetted the ad is. As a nation, we dont have (yet) the "Break glass in case of emergency" rule or even the luxury here, instead we resort to other (often primitive) methods of fighting off fires, such as throwing water, sand and what not. So that got me thinking they've gotta have something else up their sleeve.

The radio ad's which followed proved to be just that. Not only have they pulled it off beatifully, with three ad's targetting different products under their brand, they've incorporated the concept of an emergency rather well. Whats more.. their ad's are radio friendly! (more on that later). They start off with "this is amna khan reporting live from *** where...." and the content takes over.

The first ad is about a miracle.. "first time there is snowfall in the city".. which happens to be a some poor girls dandruff! That was a funny angle. The next is about a "bomb blast in the girls hostel" where some poor girl's hair was all fuzzled. Third ad is about a girl putting her finger in the electric socket cuz she wanted some volume in her hair! Really brings to light how desperate some girls become...

(edit:) I heard a new ad today while coming to office. Prince charming falling off while climbing rupunzel's hair. "prince to gira hee, saath choti bhee lay gaya". LoL

Each of the ads end off with "wait, we're getting another report of an emergency.. stay tuned".

In one word i would describe the content as brilliant. Hats off to their marketting team!

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