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Ever wonder what its like to die slowly of carbon mono-oxide (CO) poisoning? You know, the kind where you lock yourself up in your car, with a pipe blowing the exhaust inside, and leave the car running?

I dont anymore! I got my dose of CO poisoning yesterday, and actually paid Rs. 90 for it!! Here's what happened..

I took a rickshaw home from the office, since my brother had the car.. the stupid rickshaw i selected had a leak in its exhaust pipe, and would blow the exhaust into the back cabin from under the drivers seat, instead of out the pipe like its supposed to. I didnt actually notice it, till the driver revved up the engine and i was surrounded in smoke! I was inhaling the damn smoke for all of the half hour ride. By the time i noticed it, it was already too late and i was almost home, so thought... to heck with it!

But as soon as i got home, all that CO knocked me right out... i staggered upto my room, and hit the bed with a thud.. waking up 3 hours laters with a massive headache and still having my shoes on! And to think i take the rickshaw because i cant stand the LPG smelling taxi's!

*mental note: If committing suicide by exhaust, eat plenty of sleeping pills beforehand
*mental note 2: Inspect the damn rickshaw before entering it!

I have to go home by rickshaw again today.... im hoping it'll be a better one this time.

Update (later that evening): I took a taxi.

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