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why homemakers are more required than career oriented women

This post started out as a reply to PsycheD on an issue of why does society not like educated-career-oriented-girls as wives and the fact that they dont make good homemakers. Ofcourse, there are other reasons involved as well, such as some families having the male dominancy too much imprinted on their brains or having the ego thing... however, this ideal is followed in my family, from the days of my great great great grandparents (that much i know through talks with my grandfather...). So without further ado.. here we go.

The actual post starts here...

One of the major reasons of the societal break-up is the breakup of the family unit.. parents who are not around to educate their kids in the 'soft skills' (ethics, manners, morality etc) of life, hence they get out of hand, and once they grow up.. they lack certain skills to keep morality and ethics of the society in general intact. Its happening, unfortunately, as a society.. more so in our times since the so called upper class is more busy with their work or parties to take care of the kids who are running rampant...

When the mother is around to a) take care of the children b)ensure their emotional well-being and c) teaching them how to respect and be respected, those kids grow up to be better people in their own right! Ofcourse, the role of the father is just as important to the children as well. Just as important as the children seeing him as the breadwinner and supporter of the family. It makes them feel safe, loved and above all.. secure!

When both the parents go out 2 work, or spend most of their days there... these are the three essential ingredients of emotional well-being the children dont get.. and often turn to other sources, many turning corrupt in the process.


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