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*gasp* Google releasing 'only so good' products?

Google has launched another addon for the popular browser Firefox, which can sync firefox settings across multiple PC's. As im a google fanatic, and will jump at trying out anything that has the google logo on it (actually.. i'll try pretty much anything new on the net anyway ;) ) i downloaded and installed it on my Office and Home pcs... with the hope that i would have atleast my bookmarks and the live bookmarks synchronized.

Notice i said 'hope'.. till the time of actually writing this entry.. this is still a hope! the damn thing just wont connect :S it took me about 5 hours from the office of re-trying and re-tryin to get it synced once.... and only then did it even connect.... for once, im kinda pissed off at Google!!

Also, the google toolbar for firefox is a total flop as well :S i dont know why.. but it made firefox installations on both my office and home PC's run so slow that i was almost gnawed off my knuckles waiting for typed text to appear on the screen!

Anyway, incase you *do* wanna check it out yourself, and try your luck at it.. here's a link to an article on Vunet.com and a link to download the extension itself.

Brian Rakowski, when announcing the plugin on the Official Google Blog said
"What could be worse than forgetting to
bookmark the obscure page you found that maps out the perfect walking tour of

"Having it bookmarked on the computer sitting on your desk back at home, 6000
miles away, instead of on the laptop you brought along. 

"These sorts of frustrations inspired us to build a Firefox extension that
keeps your browser settings for all your computers in sync."

I would have rewritten the last line to say "These sorts of frustrations inspired us to build a Firefox extension that replaces your frustration of not finding your bookmark, with the frustration on trying to connect to our servers".

okay... thats the end of my rant... probably in a while this extension will connect and google will again be in my good books, and i'll look at their products all 'googly-eyed' again. But this wasnt something i was expecting from them.

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