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The winning edge

Is there any limit to stuff we would not do in order to go that extra mile? The topic under discussion here is not sports... its education. The whole education system puts on so much pressure on students (i know, my brother went through the same recently) that sometimes its just impossible to obtain on their own, and they resort to getting 'a little help'. Pulling all nighters, having huge amounts of coffees... teas... and the latest.. energy drinks, all so that they can get that one extra mark which will ensure their place in the 'best' institution around. The latest in this trend (atleast in the US, i wonder when it'll be imported to pakistan like all the rest of fads there) is taking amphetamines or smart drugs which "increase [their] concentration, focus, wakefulness and short-term memory".

This trend has generally taken off in the US, Canada and other countries... where these drugs were first created for the aging population to help with their memories, now they're being used by "more than 70 million baby boomers who are tired of forgetting what they
meant to buy at the shopping mall and then realizing they've forgotten
where they parked their cars, too. Or students who think such drugs
could gain them hundreds of points on their SATs"

Is this eventually what we need to get the winning edge? The one last push? Hmm.. sounds very enciting.... maybe i should give it a try too....

Here's a related article from csmonitor.com

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