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One of those days..........

Today promises to be 'one of those days'!

Couldnt sleep last nite (and i have no clue why). Then didnt want to wake up this morning... (follows from the last statement). Finally did, and found out my brother had swiped off my early morning wake-up helper.. the last one i had :@ (oh well.. lil brothers are like that i suppose... no wait.. i've conditioned myself to accept it) .

So anyway, in my hazy state, i washed up and changed for the office... went out, only to realize that my idiot maid (shes a pathan, complete with the state of mind. No offence to pathans everywhre) had not made my breakfast.. it was already 8:50... i was running late, and she takes about an hour to prepare 1 cup of tea, one fried egg and two toasts (i mean whats up with that!!!). So i scold her n tell her to rush n get me my breakfast.... still, i had things pretty much under control... fires were being kept at bay..

After having breakfast, i left with my bro to come to office, and he managed to bring up the topic of the 'wake-up helper'. This was after the incidents with bikers i had this morning.. and i was the end of the fire-controlling... i let him have it!! short of screaming at him and acting like a total lunatic... i 'conveyed' my dissapointment over his actions and finally came to office! Damn, i wonder what else is instore for me today :S Now im sitting here.. having a bad hair day as well (did i not mention that?) waiting for the proverbial anvil or piano to fall on my head.

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