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Is milk really good for you?

Everyone is coaxed into drinking milk, children are fed milk from birth since they learn how to bypass that dreaded glass by the watchful eyes of their parents and so on..

Till today, i thought milk was good for you.. that was before i came across this article written by Larry Saunders, an herbalist and certified natural health professional from Charlottesville USA, which has made me see otherwise. I'll have to research it further but thought i should reproduce it here for others benefit. I'll quote some facts from the article here, however, I would encourage you to read it completely.
  • Nearly 40% of the food consumed by weight is dairy products [in americans]
  • Unfortunately for the dairy industry and for all those people consuming milk, it’s not [a good source of protien in]. The protein content in milk, even skim milk, can actually accelerate the loss of calcium from bones. The byproducts of the digestion of milk are acidic. The body uses alkalizing calcium from bones to neutralize these acid byproducts of milk.
  • Milk protein, known as casein, is difficult for humans to digest and stimulates the production of mucus (the body creates mucus to get rid of the undigested protein). This can aggravate conditions such as asthma, bronchitis and sinusitis.
  • Buttermilk, the fat in milk, is the most saturated fat in the American diet..
  • Cheese is often 70% (or higher) fat by calories.
  • Even "low fat" 2% milk is actually 24 to 33% fat as calories.
  • Milk is a principal contributor to high cholesterol and artery-clogging artheroscherosis.
Suddenly the term "Lactose Intollerant" makes much more sense to me.
If you are interested in a much more detailed explanation, pick up the book called Milk, The Deadly Poison by Robert Cohen
Another source, Mark J. Occhipinti, M.S., Exercise Physiologist/Nutritional Consultant and President of American Fitness Professionals and Associates who wrote an article titled "Does Milk Really Do The Body Good? Calcium and Protein: A Mixture for Disaster" writes

The medical profession and the media encourage the public to drink milk and eat dairy products because "it does the body good". Nothing could be further from the truth! Higher calcium and protein intake is purported to lower the incidence of osteoporosis, according to the Dairy Council and those dietitians who refuse to study the medical literature that is not in accordance with the Dairy Industry's Commandments.
In February, 1995, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) lodged a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission, stating that ads for milk and milk products are deceptive in that they imply that calcium in milk is the answer to the bone loss caused by osteoporosis.
According to the research conducted by PCRM, milk consumption later in life actually contributes to calcium loss
Guess Good Milk would have to change their ads since they say Drinking a glass of milk a day is good for you.

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