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Review of MSN Dating Article: 6 secret guy turn ons

On a complete phase shift from my last post, im now reviewing this article which appeared on MSN Dating website, forwarded to me by a friend of mine.

It lists the 6 'secret' turn-ons guys have, and well.. being a guy, i just couldnt help comment on them. So here goes.

Secret Turn-on 1: He loves that you indulge at dinnertime.
My answer... HELL YEA!! Nothing pisses me off more than having food with a gal (date or otherwise) where they just pick at their food or eat a little. Me on the otherhand.. im a voracious eater!! and well.. if nothing else.. i enjoy sharing my passion for food with my better half!

Secret Turn-on 2: He loves your occasional obscenities
The keyword here is 'occasional'! And especially where its least expected. A girl having a cursing problem is a MAJOR turn-off!

Secret Turn-on 3:He loves that you aren’t a neat freak
With this one, i dont agree fully. Neat Freak.. maybe not.. but definately should not be a slob! I mean.. having one slob in a relationship is enough. LOL!

Secret Turn-on 4:He loves your extra padding
This i've been going on n on about for quite sometime. I just DONT like skinny girls! Period! But then again, the other end of the spectrum is again not too appealing. However, its the ones in the middle while really get me on! Nice thighs.. a little padding on the arms.. maybe puffy cheeks, they all serve to heighten the senses when it comes to getting me on.

Secret Turn-on 5:He’s fascinated by your knowledge of medieval tapestries
Now basically, this point is about getting turned on by the fact that your date/mate is passionate about something, no matter how bizzare or run of the mill. And it doesnt even have to interest you.. well, i have no comments here, since this is one area i'd like to explore further. Maybe i'll post something when i have an idea.

Secret Turn-on 6:He loves a good head rub from you
My answer.. HELL YEA!!! Personally, i like to, both, give a good headrub, and receive a good headrub!

So there you have it folks, my take on the six 'secret' turn-ons. Here's a link to the complete article.

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