View on an article :British colleges seek quantity and quality - Yahoo! News
I was sent this article today through a mailing list im on... and here's what i thought at first !
"If this is happening in a first world country.. what possible hope do we as a third world nation have ?"
Much of the things written are true for Pakistan as well, such as
Mr. Hayward says, lies in the way teenagers are taught in school, prepped assiduously for exams at the expense of broader understanding.
Another line from the article reminds me of a discussion i had with someone regarding an interviewee...
"You are getting students going to higher education now who wouldn't have done
so 20 years ago, and in some ways that's a good thing, as it widens
opportunity," says Geoff Hayward, lecturer at Oxford University's educational
studies department. But there were, he adds, "genuine concerns about young
people and their capacity to benefit from higher education."
A person applied for a marketing position at a company (this is intentionally left vague). This person was more than qualified with regards to their degree's, having completed both a MS and MBA simultaneously. After the interview, the person taking the interview had this to say...
[this person] doesnt even know what [they're] talking about ! dont know what
[they've] studied. From what i see, [they]should be getting paid atleast 4 times
as much as [they] are right now, but from how they present it, its no wonder
[theyre] looking for jobs and getting rejected.
eventually, the person got rejected for this job as well.... so i ask, whats the use ?
The author ends the article with a very good thought out quote,
"It would make more sense for society if lots of people didn't go to university
for the wrong reasons," she says, "but as long as employers continue to use
degrees as a filter device for screening candidates, demand for degrees will
remain high."
God save the poor souls who have to trudge through an expensive education just to satisfy the whim of a HR manager...
Labels: speaking out