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Blogs blocked in Paksitan.. and some people's reaction to the news...

A blog article on the washington post depicted the condition of us Pakistani's on the Blogspot.. and very rightly so, stated the facts.

Read the article for information on whats going on here... what this post is about are the comments to that article.......

As i feared.. many people have taken the view of Pakistan being an extremist state which does nothing but shoot down the rights of everyone of its citizens.. while at the same time.. its citizens do nothing but join mardassah's and terrorize everyone !

This is what you get when a few people make mayhem and make life for the rest of us miserable... i wonder where was the commotion, when the IRA was detonating bombs in the UK.. or those rebels in Spain... or even the okhlahoma bombings and the school shootings ??? where was the stereotyping then ppl ?? why is it that (white) teenagers are not considered a danger to society as easily as the blacks, or hispanics or (god forbid) muslims ?? the list goes on n on n on....

When will people learn ?!???

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