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Past, future or the present ?

I came across this blog by a fellow Paksitani blogger Ramla. A... Maker, not taker and it made me want to write this piece.

Every action we take in our lives does in some manner, affect our future. Yet, it is our future which has been written for us and which we will attain no matter what. The contradiction presents itself, what do we do today ? If we are to get tomorrow what is written for us, will anything we do change it ? And if we do today to attain what we want tomorrow, is tomorrow actually ever written for us ?

A friend and mentor sometime back answered this question in an interesting way... we will eventually get what is written for us, but our actions will determine which path, out of the myriad of paths available to us, will take us there. That it'll make the journey either worthwhile, or make it hell.

But even then, despair does set in... as to the uncertainity of the future.... the dreaded *what if* which raises its ugly head everytime we come at the crossroads and are required to make a decision. What if what is written for us is not in our favour ? What if pain lies ahead ? What if i screw up getting there ? Being human, looking at the optimistic side of life isnt usually what we can do... especially if you get brought up in the *real world* and see the pain and misery out there....

This goes on n on.. but the question still remains... what do we do ? Do we live in past? Do we try to *make* a future.. or do we just enjoy the present...

This is where the blog entry got 2 me...
It occurred to me that there are only two kinds of persons in action:
makers, and takers. A reader or observer of future is just a glorified
role for a taker of a future created by others. If future is what I am
interested in, I would rather be the one to create the future than the
one to take in the name of reading and anticipating it.
But the beauty is, if we do the present, we create the future. I do not
wish to stand by on the banks of Time and watch it flow by. If I
believe in the worth of experience – which I passionately do – I will
want to dwell in Time. Make the present, and let the future become from
It made me realize once again, that its the present i should be worried about, not the past nor future.... kinda puts it in perspective..... now lets end this entry by this very beautiful line from Ramla....

The only certainty of future is the future itself

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