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A question..

Scott Adams, of the Dilbert Blog poses an interesting question.. and has gotten quite many responses to his question!

The basic theme is "how a person can believe that God spoke to Moses and not become a Muslim"

It was indeed refreshing to hear such a debate without too much obvious flaming of other religions. My own response to the question, be Tolerant and be Educated. Practise tolerance is letting followers of other religions do as their religion describes and dont hold it against them. And be eductated in religious beliefs so that u may choose the 'right' path.

Anyway, here's the rest of his post.. click here to view al the answers

Non Prophet Organization

always been curious about how a person can believe that God spoke to
Moses and not become a Muslim. Allow me to explain my confusion.

those who are not up to speed on your comparative religion, let me
oversimplify it for you. Jews believe Moses communicated with God and
that Jesus was a prophet. Christians believe that Moses communicated
with God, plus Jesus is the son of God (or God himself). Muslims
believe in Moses and Jesus (as human prophets) plus Mohammed.

Mohammed is known as the "seal of the prophets," i.e. the last one, according to Mohammed, according to God.

where I get confused. I certainly understand anyone who believes that
all prophets are phony. And I understand how someone could think
they're all real. But what's the reasoning behind picking one or two
prophets and assuming the more recent ones are phony?

I can
understand why you might subscribe to the "big" prophets and poo-poo
the fringe cult wannabe prophets. But Mohammed has exceptional
credentials as far as prophets go. A billion people think so.

for you Christians and Jews, especially Mormons, how do you go about
deciding which prophets are the real ones? This is not a rhetorical
question. I actually want to know.

Non-believers need not comment. I only want to hear from the
prophet-believers as to why they believe in some prophets and discard
the others.

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